I can’t breathe
Uttered Floyd
To the lynching
Giant ghost
I can’t breathe
Let me loose
Bellowed Beloved
But with his knees
More tight than
Of a devil or death
Was preying upon
Another being
Just like him
He couldn’t curb
His cannibal
Rendered him
Unable to breathe
His prey stopped
Saying ‘I can’t breathe’
Floyd fell into
An infinitely quietest-loudest cry
More strident than of Morrison, Mandela
Fanon, and Martin Luther King Jr.
Against the lynching, living grimmest ghost
Enough for all global unjust beast and boast!
साहित्यपोस्ट पढ्नुभएकोमा धन्यवाद
यसलाई जीवित राख्नकोलागि तपाइँको
आर्थिक सहयोग महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ ।
यसलाई जीवित राख्नकोलागि तपाइँको
आर्थिक सहयोग महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ ।
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