Bhawana Pokhrel

Bhawana Pokhrel

I can write about

Anything and everything,

Anybody and everybody.


It can be about

Nothing and nobody-

Don’t judge me on my letters!


I can write of personas and people

It can be about love, lust and thirst,

Philosophy, phonetics and politics.


It can be about

Paupers, princes, plotters-

Don’t judge me for my letters!


All that I write is not about me

Everybody cannot be my Self,

At times I can’t be nobody too.


It can be about

Past, present, future, or beyond time

It also can be about space or the space yonder

So, please don’t juxtapose me with my letters!


Among the billion bubbles in human brain

The baggage of toxic thoughts in amygdala

Summons letters to operate as sharp blades

To slash, transcribe and transmit into oblivion

The coal of thoughts into dazzling diamonds:

You might be dazed and be deeply deluded

If you ever dare judge me only by my letters!