Pushkar Lohani
Translated by: Mahesh Paudyal
When the youthful eyes wink, pious water overflows.
Trust should be bestowed on sites reliable
For, never in vain does a male cat repent.
The even’ breeze that tries to break in though the window
The night that wanes as dreams begin to sprout
Skilled trappers thrust the poles, and move out of sight.
In fresh night-robes inside an open door
A different darkness hides from the hunter’s eye
Someone comes, and thrusts a burning candle in.
Trying to retrieve from a heap fresh and begotten forms
A steep gorge downhill; an erect, pointed rock
Falls on the dark, deep trench deceptively hid.
Weary, unholy eyes when trespass deep within
Disgusting filthy forces turn and stare intermittently
But fortune darts away when Lord of Death is sought.
Shadow, trying to conceal has amply leaked.
Amorous flirting eyes forwent sleep as they numbed
Melting beneath the clouds overflowing in flood.
Last night in front of the eyes persistently sought
Were you, unable to adhere close, though very near drawn.
An attempt to lift up at once was by cursed subdued.
How does a vermin enter defying all guards?
Its entry is felt only after wet patches appear.
A hill lowers when an erect trident tucks in.
The green bamboo leaves fall upon the straw.
Blue scars appear on the face with yellow flanking stains
When the self heats to fluid and flows in front of the eyes.
The dark, deep furrow, is quite inexplicable.
The incense of the wild flowers, pile on the palm
When the fragrance comes from within you.
The chill proves puny when mind boils hot
A fish, squeezing though smudge, leaves imprints of its move
As the night slips away slowly through the canal.

यसलाई जीवित राख्नकोलागि तपाइँको
आर्थिक सहयोग महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ ।