A weekly training on Capacity Development on the Satellite Remote Sensing for University Faculty was conducted in Central Department of Geography, TU. The training was started from May 14th and concluded on May 19th 2024 (Jestha 1- 6 2081) under the support of University Grants Commission,Nepal . A total number of 20 participants representing from Nepal government, Department of Archaeology ,ademic institutions , Department of Botany , Department of Environment science , faculties from different campuses and, researcher under the participated in the program.
The training program was held under the chairmanship of Head of the Central Department of Geography, Prof. Dr. Umesh Kumar Mandal. He highlighted the objectives of the program. This is the first training program after establishment RS,GIS center in the department and hope for dissemination of remote sensing knowledge in real field. Speaking in the Program Prof. Dr. Binil Aryal, chief guests stress on the importance of the satellite remote sensing training and highlighted its need application in research and study to be carried out in Tribhuvan University and specifically in University Campus. In such a program trainees can use their knowledge and skills in real earth related problems solutions. Similarly, Professor Bannergee as an international expert of microwave remote sensing highlighted that the Central Department of Geography can led in the field of LiDAR, SAR, UAV and microwave remote sensing and satellite image interpretation and it’s application. In the program, Dr. Rajesh Bdr. Thapa as a senior geospatial expert stresses need on the model of need assessment to apply in the different parts of the country and institutions like ICIMOD is ready for collaboration with academic institutions like Central Department of Geography.
In the program participants expressed their view that the training is more essential for providing the knowledge of space technology in the field of development activities as infrastructure development and environmental hazard as flood, earthquake, landslide, forest fire etc.

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Central Department of Geography conducted Capacity Development Training on Satellite Remote Sensing for University Faculty

त्रिवि भूगोल केन्द्रीय विभागमा माटो परीक्षणसम्बन्धी एक हप्ते तालिम सञ्चालन

भूगोल केन्द्रीय विभागको प्राध्यापक तथा विद्यार्थीहरूसँग अन्तर्क्रिया सम्पन्न

त्रिवि भूगोल केन्द्रीय विभागद्वारा स्याटलाइट रिमोट सेन्सिङ क्षमता अभिवृद्धि तालिम सञ्चालन